Rocks off: Sounds from Kosova

Pod šifrom „Rušimo granice“ (Theji kufijtë), u nekoliko nastavaka će biti predstavljeni indie/alternative rock scene s Kosova. Imaćemo priliku da otkrijemo i čujemo vrlo dobre i odlične bendove...

Javio se Visar Qeska mailom glavnom uredniku e-novina; “Pershendetje z. Llukoviqi, ja malo sa zakašnjenjem šaljem listu bendova sa Kosova kao što sam i obećao. Pokušao sam da ubrojim bendove koji su aktivni i koji onako sviraju malo žešće ili indi/alternativ. Redosljed je urađen po naučnom principu "random" :). Pokušao sam da šaljem što više linkova iz oficialnih facebook stranica, soundcloud, a ima i poneki bend sa malo bolje razrađenom strategijom sa webpagom iz bandcampa (mada rijetko). Vjerovatne slike možete pronaći iz njihovih facebook profila. Ako nešto drugo zatreba i mogu pomoći, slobodno se javite :) Puno pozdrava, Visar“.
PINKMETAL is a music band formed on September 2010 and completed on February 2011. Lives and works in Prishtina - Kosova with possibility of emigration. It is consisted of four albanian heads: Adonis Kasneci – Guitar, Petrit Bytyqi – Bass, Granit Halili – Drums, Fat Limani – Vocals. This band, focused on positivity and inspired by lot of different, both foreign and domestic artists (on average 2,5 inspirations per head) with its diversity of inspirations , can be put in range with Punk, Post-Punk, Eksperimental Rock, Post-Prit, Fast-Plast etc.
ME TNJOFSHEM is a punk band from Kosovo. Me tnjofshem is an Albanian way of saying or expressing the phrase "with connections" (normally referring to the way the government establishment works here). Band was formed in the late 2187 and with the invention of Time-machine the band used the opportunity to get back in time to 2010 and save PUNK and music in general. The music of Me Tnjofshem is influenced by street/oi! punk bands of 1942 until xo023 (Morpheus Time zone). Me Tnjofshem has performed in various OkAsians within and beneath the state. The band is now in the process of exploring space and dark matter and all we know for sure is that they'll surprise us with something extraordinary, but what? The number 20 keeps coming up, again and again, I wonder why..?
GILLESPIE: Members - Hana | vokal Isah | bas Guri | gitare Graniti | tupana. Hometown Prishtina, Kosovë. Njihova Facebook stranica.